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Can't sleep in in the mornings


I have always struggled to sleep in in the mornings. When i wake up i really wish i could sleep in more and i really try to force myself but it never works. I would love a lie in! It just never happens and i am exhausted. Even if i go to be at 2am i will still wake up at 6am ish every day, even on my days off!!

I live a very healthy lifestyle, i dont drink, i dont smoke, i barely have caffeine, i exercise every day, go to bed at 10.30 every night. Okay maybe i have too much water sometimes before bed but surely this cant be the cause for my years of morning insomnia??

Please help

  1. You sound exactly like me. I have had issues with my sleep basically all my adult life (I'm 29 at the moment), and in the later years I have found it less difficult to actually fall asleep and the big issue is that I will wake up everyday several hours before my alarm goes off. Like you I go to bed roughly the same time every night (around 11), I don't have any caffeine after ~10 in the morning, I try to exercise 4-5 times per week (although some days my head will be throbbing due to the tiredness I am feeling), so some weeks will be less. No smoking, and I drink seldomly. Reading this forum I am nowhere near as bad off as some people as I would say I average 5-6 hours a night, but it is enough for me to not feel properly energized.

    I have tried all the common tips that I've found to try and combat this to no avail. I have tried TONS of different drugs, both prescribed (Propiomazine, Promethazine, and a few others I cannot remember the names of right now) and natural substances (melatonin, 5-HTP, GABA, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Valerian Root amongst others). The only one out of these that I have found somewhat effective is Promethazine, however I can no longer get a hold of these where I am living as they have been out of stock of all pharmacies for the last year or so. I can't say what will work for you, but if you can get a hand on some it is what has worked for me to be able to stay asleep until my alarm goes off.

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