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Insomnia Agitates My Mystery Illness…and Me

I have an undiagnosed medical condition. This mystery illness causes fatigue, sometimes exhaustion. Since I also have insomnia, this combination is greatly affecting my quality of life.

Insomnia affects other illnesses

Staying in bed for so many hours to try to get enough sleep is painful at times and it robs me of precious hours of my life. I could be doing so many things, but no. I need to sleep, and it takes far too long to get enough sleep.

Taking time to get out of bed

My mystery illness is worse if I don’t lie in bed for a while before I get out of bed. Anything less than an hour means I have more tremors and spasms throughout the day. It means my balance won’t be quite as good. For whatever reason, my body needs time to relax after sleeping before getting up and starting the day.

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I know. It makes no sense at all but that is how it has been for almost 3 years now. If I spend 12 hours or more in bed trying to get enough sleep to function, I must add another hour to that time to decrease symptoms that also affect how I function.

Spending so much time in bed hurts

I spend a great deal of my day and night in bed. These 2 issues combined have robbed me of so many hours that I could have been productive. Instead, I am spending almost two-thirds of my time just trying to get enough rest and recover from resting.

Unfortunately, the time I am spending in bed is also painful. If I lie in bed for too long, which is necessary to get enough sleep to function, it causes pain. Sometimes the pain is confined to my feet and legs and sometimes it is widespread. It makes it even harder to sleep.

Coping with insomnia

I feel like I have spent a fair amount of time whining lately, so I might as well whine some more. There are plenty of other people who feel the same way. Of that, I am sure. Insomnia sucks, and if you add any other kind of illness, ailment, or malady it is pure misery at times.

Sometimes I lie awake at night and get angry about it all. I know there are plenty of people who have far worse issues, and it seems petty of me to be so upset about something minor compared to what others have. Still, it seems unfair to have so many issues and have no idea what is causing many of them.

Sleepless nights causes miserable days

I am angry today because I spent the entire night lying awake in pain. I spent 13 hours in bed, got a total of fewer than 6 hours of sleep, and feel like I rushed out of bed too soon. Half the day was already over when I got up and my mystery illness is causing a fair amount of discomfort.

It’s a miserable day, and I feel like more sleep would have been helpful. There are so many of us who could benefit from a good night’s sleep, and there are so many of us who have conditions made worse by a lack of sleep. If you are 1 of us, I hope you find relief and have a better night and day tomorrow.

Do you have other conditions that are agitated by sleepless nights?

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