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Steh one here may be lifesaving to some,

Hello friends,
My name is Edward, I am husband to April. We are in the 60.
I met April 18 years ago. From the first day, I was aware of her sleep problems, but as I newer experienced anyone with insomnia I did not really understand the severity of it. She would sleep 2-3 hour in the night, if lucky once in a while 4-5. She did everything possible, just like many of you to be able to get some “normal” sleep. As she worked a hour with car away from the home, she would fall asleep exhausted at 4 and wake up at six to get ready. I would countless times say goodby to her while she was crying in the car, leaving. Just last year I had surgery and after that I could not sleep for 3 days-nights. I thought I will go mad, and was physically sick from it. That is when the LIGHT went on and I understood what she suffered through for the last 26 years! And here it is why I write with all the cate to all of you. As we live in Canada the government de-criminalize d marijuana. April as she NEVER took drugs, and had horrible reactions to sleeping pills, was scared but was told it helps. She consulted a doctor specializing in this. First she started with oil having CBD. As it only helped to relax and with the anxiety each night, they decided to start with THC oil. I can PROMISE YOU, it was life changing. From being depressed, scared of the night and talking of suicide, she would fall asleep in 5 minutes and sleep the whole night. Even when waking up to go to the bathroom, she would sleep after. I would watch her in amazement and happiness when she would suddenly be asleep. It was not Normal for me.
She sleeps now each night, without the anxiety or worries.
So to any one, I hope this was informative and hopefully life changing. I won’t continue here, just wanted to be of some help. I wish you all a AVESOM sleep. Sincerely Edward. ( P.s her dose now is now TSC 10-1 )

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