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Strategies to Manage Insomnia

What strategies or techniques have you tried to manage your chronic insomnia? Which ones have been most effective for you?

  1. I get up and sit in the living room and usually one of my cats will come and sit on my lap until I get back into bed and often I do fall asleep again. But, sometimes I end up doing this twice.

    1. Yes, I often do the same thing, It is worth getting up and doing something else and trying again. I found that being less angry about it all the time helped. Just getting up and accepting my new routine and then when I feel like I could possibly sleep again, getting back into bed. Tossing and turning has never been for me. I tried this last night and to no surprise, it left me grouchy and very out of sorts.

      Do you read or listen to an audio book or something when you get up?

      - Clair ( Team Member)

  2. Reading , getting out of bed and going to a different room


      1. Apart from taking my anxiolytic I usually listen to background river or nature sounds that makes fall asleep more easily. In my case I suffer from severe tinnitus and falling asleep for me is difficult, silence is horrible for me, but this kind of sounds reduce my anxiety and I fall asleep much more easily, and this way I reduce the anxiolytic dose. Here you have some of the videos I usually listening on the internet.
        Good luck.

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