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Stuck on REM simplified example no much talk

After a neck injury 5 years ago:
My main symptoms repeated
each night:

1-Throat spasm on sleep onset
leading to arousal and not falling asleep:
Remedied by using the PAP machine.

2- Fast heart beating with arousal:
Remedied by having PS higher
then 4.6

3- Random spikes in sleep (sudden
sometimes masked by PAP and
sometimes followed by abnormal
breathing and arousal.

4- Stuck on REM sleep:
PAP machine can not fix, have to
keep taking a dose of KEPPRA
or Clonazepam to extend sleep

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community! I had to remove your images because the records have your name on them and we want to protect your privacy. We are not medical experts, so we really couldn't have commented on them anyway. It sounds like you have had a rough time since the neck injury. Have you ever seen a neurologist? If not, it might be wise to ask for a referral. If you have seen one before, maybe a return visit would help. Your throat spasms, increase heart rate and breathing disruptions might be related to nerve damage that was previously undetected or that has progressed since your accident. It would be good to rule that out or to see whether there might be a surgical solution. I wish I had answers for you. Thinking of you and sending the best of all wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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