a map starting at home, passing an alarm clock, a dog collar, and a to-do list and ending at the office

Returning to Work Full Time With Insomnia After a Year at Home

Last week, I begin transitioning back to my full-time office schedule. I will still have days I work at home through May, but this is to prepare me for a 5-day, in-office work week starting in June.

There is still a lot of anxiety surrounding returning to work and many unknowns. My insomnia has been my greatest anxiety.

Working from home with insomnia

My insomnia didn't magically disappear when I was sent home to work last year, but it didn't have the same impact on my work performance. On the nights I was able to fall asleep, I didn't have to worry about oversleeping, and I was able to sleep a little longer because I didn't need to get up an hour and a half before I needed to be at work.

On the nights I knew sleep wasn't happening, I had the opportunity to jump-start my work for the next day. It also allowed me to get an early start on projects assigned to me. Because of this, my days were not so exhausting. I was able to identify issues in enough time to address them with my coworkers first thing in the morning instead of discovering them in the middle of the day.

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Stressful transition to pre-pandemic life

I know most of us are experiencing stress one way or another about returning to our pre-pandemic work life. My anxiety isn't related to COVID-19 itself, but I am worried about readjustment to my pre-pandemic life with insomnia.

I usually have to be at work by 7:30 AM, but for now, this has changed to 8:00. As an anxious person, I am worried about being late so much I will no longer be considered a dependable employee. My boss and I discussed the barriers everyone will face in one way or another returning to work.

We have all worked from home for almost 15 months at this point. Thankfully, I work under someone who is understanding and recognizes this will be a transition. This makes me feel tremendously better, but as someone who worries about pretty much everything, I am still working on a plan to get my body reacclimated as quickly as possible.

Making my return-to-work plan

Spring has arrived in Tennessee, and it is a beautiful time of year. One plan I have is to wake up on the days I am still working from home and on weekends to take my dog, Winston, for a long walk. This will get us both up and moving.

The goal of this is to get me moving in the morning, so I am used to getting up without going back to bed, which I have been guilty of in the past, especially after a rough, sleepless night. I also plan to do what I did in elementary school. I will choose what I plan to wear the night before, pack my lunch, and pack my work bag. This will help on those mornings I do unintentionally oversleep.

Additional strategies reduce the impact of my transition

To ease back into a busy office and out of my quiet bedroom, I have found new ways to organize. I will use my email calendar and create daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists so I am prioritizing things correctly. These strategies will be beneficial while my body readjusts to my return and prevent forgetfulness due to brain fog.

Finally, I plan to purchase an alarm clock separate from my cellphone. It will be somewhere that forces me to get out of bed to turn off. I have dealt with insomnia long enough to know this will still be tough. I am thankful I have a supportive boss and have the opportunity to transition slowly.

How have you managed your work/school schedule while also dealing with insomnia? Share your experiences and tips with the community in this forum.

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