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My plan to tackle this; good idea?

In the past, the only thing that seemed to work for my insomnia was having a consistent sleep schedule; go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Now, even that is not working. I go to bed around 11 pm and get up around 7 am every single day, and I still can't fall asleep until 4-6 am most days, and I've gone a few days without any sleep at all. I've had precisely one good night of sleep the last two weeks; no matter how much the debt builds up and no matter how incredibly sleep-deprived I am, it never builds up to the point where one night I am simply "out"; my insomnia is just that stubborn.

I'm going home from school around a week from now, and my plan is to see a doctor to get an order/referral for a sleep study. I want a comprehensive study to check for all types of physical causes: sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, etc.

If physical causes are ruled out and it's psychological, then I'll try getting into a CBTi program.

Does that sound good (sleep study to check physical causes, then CBTi if there isn't one)?

  1. Hi there! I understand your situation and know how bad it can be. Because not getting enough sleep ruins our mood for the entire day. One of my colleagues has been in a similar situation, and he would feel sleepy and tired during work hours. Also led to severe headaches. So he consulted a medical professional and found that he had sleep apnea. His doctor recommended using the CPAP machines. Though it may take time, it is a non-surgical method. So he chooses CPAP therapy. It's been quite a few months since he has been following the treatment, and he could experience the change. He is feeling better now. Hope you too will recover from it as soon as possible.

    1. Hi . That sounds like a very smart plan. There are so many potential causes and treatments for insomnia. It makes perfect sense to rule out biological or neurological causes first. Here is an article about insomnia treatments: Maybe you'll find something in the article that helps you to get at least a little more sleep now. Have you made an appointment with a doctor already? There can be long waiting lists for sleep studies in some areas. It might be wise to make your doctor's appointment now so you can get the ball rolling as soon as you get home. Keep us posted if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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