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Where do I turn when I have no support? a newbie and need a little advice please.
In 57 and had insomnia for about 13yrs
Dr won't give me anything but I'm on mirtazipine 45mg and gabapentin and naproxen for knee pain.
It's now 2.15am and as usual wide awake. Can go 3 days with no sleep. Had sleepstation 'course' via GP which showed a terrible sleep report. But still no support.
Any suggestions if I was to go back to GP x

  1. welcome, I am so glad that you have joined us here. I would certainly ask the doctor what the plan was to support your sleeping going forward. In particular, off the back of the sleep station report which shows bad sleep.

    If I am unhappy with the care I receive from a doctor, I am quick to get a second opinion. Feeling seen and understood by your doctor is rather important to me.

    They are there to serve and help us heal, that is what should be happening. When is your next visit? You could list the questions you want to ask when you are there, so you do not get derailed in the appointment.

    - Clair ( Team Member)

    1. thank you so much for your reply. i will try my doctor again, i have done a diary just incase they ask, its just frustrating. its so good to have these sites to make us feel we are not alone. x

    2. It is wildly frustrating, well done for keeping the diary, that will make such a difference at your next appointment., Having a community like this has proved to be one of my greatest assets over the years. We are so glad to have you as part of ours.

      Are you managing any sleep at the moment?

      - Clair (Team Member)

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