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How do I deal with my partner's snoring?

i have a new partner who snores terribly. im normally on the sofa, have even been known to sleep in the bath a few times if we ve been away. it is now starting to take its toll... my marriage started going down hill as a result of his snoring even in tho the end he was diagnosed with sleep apnea.
i am a very light sleeper when i do sleep (ear buds of any sort make no difference) my partner just doesnt understand how im struggling. im just shattered any advice for either of us would be amazing.

  1. I live with a roommate, that doesn’t think he snores! It a battle! It shakes the house. I can hear him through closed doors.
    I sold my house because of the upkeep was getting hard financially. I live with him rent free. We are not sexual partners. I do pay for our pet dogs food etc etc etc and groceries sometimes. We are both widowed.
    I’m a light sleeper, when I do sleep with the use of ( Doxepin 6 mg)meditation, I don’t hear him but when I wake it’s happening and then, I can’t get back to sleep.
    I do plan on moving back to Az in the future, but until then I have to settle for living uncomfortably. We share custody of the dog. She’s getting older and don’t want to leave her alone with him. He’s a wonderful pet parent , but not a wonderful roommate. But the sleep situation isn’t helping my health.
    Thanks for listening!

    1. How frustrating for you, . If he snores that much and that loudly, it might also be really harmful to his heart health. Have you ever talked with him about it? My husband doesn't snore now that he has a CPAP, but the CPAP can wake me up when the mask slips or he has fluid in the hose. If I wear ear plugs, I don't hear a thing. Is that something you might consider? I've tried a few different brands and, so far, I've been happiest with Macks. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. thanks for the response. My roommate thinks there is nothing wrong with him. He would never get a breathing machine.
      I’ve tried ear plugs, but they are so uncomfortable. I’ll check out the Mack’s to see if they will help Thanks

  2. Hello I just wanted to reach out and touch base to see how you are doing and if your husband has been able to get treatment for the sleep apnea (which helps you both!)? Wishing you both a gentle day, Tracy (Team Member)

    1. Hi . My heart goes out to you. That's a difficult situation. Does your partner use a CPAP machine? The newer machines are fairly quiet. I am only bothered by my husband's when the mask slips and the rush of air makes some funky noises. When that happens, I wake him up, he adjusts the mask and all is good. A fan in the room helps drown out any quieter sounds from his machine. If your partner refuses to use a machine, there are other options, though they might not be as effective. Here is an article about sleep apnea treatments that might interest him: I hope this helps and that you are able to comfortabley share a bed once again. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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