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Do You Use Sound Machines for Sleep?

Have you tried sound machines to help you sleep at night? Or other noisemakers like a ceiling fan?

  1. Hello everyone,

    I used to suffer from bad insomnia too after a close family bereavement and stress from work.

    I found that taking Melatonin at night definitely helped a bit.

    Being in a room that is too quiet - with complete silence made things worse for me. It was for this reason that I started playing long background noise such as white noise or water/rain/fire sounds to help relax and distract my brain.

    After I told my younger brother about it - being the computer whiz kid he is - he started creating 10 hour long videos with the sounds in them for me to listen to. He has also created an advert free YouTube channel featuring his videos.

    I am now getting about 5-6 hours each night which although not fantastic - is a great improvement compared to the 2 hours I was lucky to get before hand.

    All the best,


    1. ...Thanks so much for sharing this with the community! It sounds like you have a great support system in your brother. I am glad to hear that you have been able to find some relief and are finally getting some much-needed rest! I am sending you lots of positive thoughts for many more peaceful nights! April,, Moderator

  2. My ceiling fan helps me tremendously!

    1. oh, I really like that one! Thank you for sharing with us! April,, Moderator

    2. happy if this help people

  3. Due to GAD and increase of anxiety before bedtime I like it very quiet.

    1. It’s so important we all find what works for us 😊 The only sound I have going is the gentle whoosh from my husbands cpap machine 😊

      Simone (Team Member)

  4. I generally use sleep sounds apps instead of sound machines (which works for me most of the times.)
    Here are few apps I always keep installed on my device and helps me to sleep well. Editorial Team Amanda Osowski April Pulliam

    1. ...awesome! Thank you for sharing! I am looking the up now! April,, Moderator

    2. sounds like a path as well

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