Welcome to the community. . Your English is actually quite good. No need to apologize, regardless. We have plenty of people here in our communities for whom English is not their native language. Unfortunately, smart watches can be unreliable when it comes to REM sleep and might take you down the wrong diagnostic path. The watch might be accurate for some measurements, but not for others. Here is an article about smart watches and accuracy that might interest you: https://insomnia.sleep-disorders.net/clinical/tracking-your-sleep. Your best bet would be to talk with your doctor about your fatigue and get some initial testing to rule out such things as nutritional deficiencies and hormone issues. If REM sleep is the issue, a sleep specialist can diagnose the issue and help with solutions. It might be as simple as doing a little meditation before bed or getting more exercise -- anything that relieves stress and relaxes you -- or you might have sleep apnea or another disorder that is disrupting your sleep. I wish I had better answers, but I hope that helps and that you get some relief from the fatigue. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)