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Question about sleep restriction for someone who is awake through the entire night.

Iv been 2 months on Ambien which achieves me 4 to 5 hours sleep. I want to get off of it. When I try to sleep naturally with melanin Valerian root etc. I dont sleep even 1 hour. So I don't know how long I should set my sleep restriction.

Secondly if you are doing sleep restriction are you still supposed to get out of bed if you dont fall asleep within half an hour?

Finally if you are supposed to get up if your sleeping they say your suppose to do something boring to help you get tired enough to sleep but I can barely hold my head up. i USUALLY JUST GO SIT IN THE DARK IN MY CHAIR RECLINED AND MY JOB IS TO LOOK AT THE TURNED OFF tv AND MAKE SURE ITS STILL THERE because I have enough mental energy to do at least that although I struggle to keep my eyes open. Is reclining in my chair as bad as laying in bed?

  1. Hi . I wish you didn't have so much trouble with sleep. Sleep restriction is a method that works best when supervised by an expert. A therapist who specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Insomnia will be able to develop a sleep restriction schedule that fits your specific needs. CBT-I has had excellent success rates. Here is an article about it that might interest you: If you decide to pursue it, a sleep center or sleep specialize should be able to refer you to a therapist. I hope this helps. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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