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White noise videos on YouTube

Hi all. I'm not sure if this helps everyone, but I've had issues sleeping for many years. I've recently started listening to these sounds on YouTube. Now, I wouldn't say they cure my problem, but they've been surprisingly helpful. It's the dark-screen videos I like (I can't sleep if there's light coming off my TV).

It's weird, but the ones I really like in particular are vacuum sound like this one:

Sometimes nature sounds too, but it's really the odd ones that relax my mind.

  1. It helped me a lot too )

    1. Thank you, April!
      The white noise really does help. Something about this sound or the sound of a hairdryer takes me back to moments in my childhood, to a safe place or sorts, which helps ease my overactive mind.

      1. ...I get that completely! Comforting memories for sure! April,, Moderator

    2. Thanks so much for sharing this with the community! I am glad you have found something that works for you. I can totally see how the vacuum sounds would be relaxing, and I really like the idea of the black screen, too. My preferred sounds are similar--I like white noise, and the link you shared sounds very similar to the sounds on my noisemaker. I hope you are getting rest and staying well! April,, Moderator

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