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Depraved sleep and not able to get a full rest.

Hi there,

I joined this forum with the hope that I will find some answers here.

My sleeping problem started when i was arround 27. I started to notice that after good night sleep my body wasn’t fully resting as i would wake up with dark cirlcles and a very tired appereance like I would have beem drinking all night and day before.

Then slowly slowly my sleeping hourst started to reduce drom like 8-9 hours to 4-5 hours. Good night sleep for me is 4-5 hours and worst not sleeping at all.

First i said that it might be because of the stress and some exercise will fix me. And i started to run to work and from work to home cca.30km a day. Didn’t helped !!!!!! I was feeling so tired and sleepy but i soon as i laid down in bed my brain started to overthink and overthink and eventuay go really tired and went to sleep.

I’m just so jealuous on my GF that she falls a sleep so easy and she sleep like 9 to 10 hours easy more if not interupted.

And i can barely manage to get 5 those 5 hours and sometime i wake up as i never slept.

I’ve got brain fog and sometimes can’t concentrate at all , very nervous in the morning and hating everyone.

I don’t want to start taking peels because that will creat an addiction and getting off them could agrevate the situation even worst!

Has anyone have this symptoms and did you found a remedy!? PLEASE LET ME KNOW !!!

  1. Welcome to our community, we are so glad you chose to join us here. Sorry to hear that you are struggling so much with your sleeping, that is terrible. Do you have a good nighttime routine, and have you made your sleeping space comfortable and peaceful? I often listen to some music when I am trying to fall asleep or do a guided meditation, I find that it helps shut the overthinking down. I am sharing this article with you, about that same thing.

    Also, you could look into ways to empty your mind, via journaling, therapy, etc, these can all be effective strategies to help minimize the impact of racing thoughts at bed time.

    We are here for you,

    -Clair ( Team Member)

    1. Hi . Welcome to the community. I am glad you found us. You must be super frustrated. Have you talked with your doctor about your sleep issues? Thankfully, pills are no longer the frontline treatment. Most doctors will first recommend cognitive behavioral therapy - insomnia (CBT-I). Here is an article that explains it better than I can: It has very high success rates for people who really commit to it. If that isn't helpful, your doctor can refer you to a sleep specialist for a sleep study in hopes of finding the cause of your insomnia. Not all sleep medications/supplements are addictive, but most of them are short-term solutions. So it is best to get a thorough evaluation and figure out what has triggered these new sleep patterns. I hope this helps and that you get treatment and relief. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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