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Do you have any other health conditions?

Do you have any other health conditions alongside insomnia? Have you found any effective ways to manage both your insomnia and other condition(s)? Share in the comments below!

  1. Type 2 Diabetes and Microvascular disease

    1. You're not alone in managing diabetes, I see someone furhter down in the thread commenting the same. I am sure dealing with these while not getting enough sleep can be so hard. What has seemed to help you? Here is an article about type 2 diabetes and sleep disorders that might interest you: Glad you are here, and thank you for chiming in. - Liz (Team Member)

  2. Yes. I am in recovery from addiction. I was hours away from death with a blood clot, sepsis and a Pulmonary Embolism. I feel this has left me with some issues. I also attend therapy for trauma... PTSD and Emotional Disregulation.

    1. Good Luck with the upcoming appointment, we look forward to hearing from you. I do hope that you manage some sleep in the meantime. We are here for you, Thank you for being part of our community. Warmly, Clair ( Team Member)

    2. I wanted to follow up and see how your appointment went?

      Clair ( Team Member)

  3. Diabetes

    1. Hi . Managing diabetes when you are not getting enough sleep can be tough. Do you have type 1 or type 2? Is your doctor aware that you have insomnia and that it might impact your blood sugar levels? If so, has your doctor been of any help? Here is an article about type 2 diabetes and sleep disorders that might interest you: Thinking of you and wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  4. Type 2 and systemic inflammation. What a way to go through life.

    1. Oh gosh, I think that must be very challenging to manage. How are you managing your systemic inflammation? I imagine type 2 is controlled by diet and or medication?

      - Clair ( Team Member)

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