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What are you grateful for?

"I thought everything was stacked against me. I'm grateful for that gift of remembered resilience. Would I have chosen that route of learning? No, but we often learn from adversity and negative experiences. Losses, challenges, and grief can show us a lot about ourselves, if we just look." - Tracy Hannigan, MOstMed, ACE-HC,

Share here what you are grateful for today.

  1. 2-18-2525 Today I'm grateful for having awoken when someone my age in past has been dead in someone else's family for longer than I have been alive on this earth for.

    1. God, friends, and auntie. The rest of my family suck.

      1. If only we could choose our families, right? I am glad you have your faith to lean on and the support of your aunt and your friends. Sending lots of warm wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I'm grateful for him because of so many reasons besides being a supportive husband and kind person. Ours is an unusual, crazy story, but I'll spare you the long details. However, my husband actually helped me get an old TBI diagnosed, and then connected me with a Neuro Optometrist who confirmed the diagnosis. I eventually received binasal occlusion glasses which has helped reduce my migraines from 28 days a month down to only 14! (So I got half my life back!)

      That TBI also gave my hyperosmia (a super sensitive sense of smell). These new strong detergents are made with polymers to make fragrances cling better to material, so he often has to change clothes as soon as he returns home. Since I can't go anywhere without getting a migraine, in spite of wearing a special mask designed to block chemicals and fumes, I've lost all my friends. Even family stays away because of the protocol they must follow just to be near me. Living with me, someone who can't go anywhere, has not been easy for either of us, but he never complains! If I can't attend activities so he goes alone, but he's understanding and does everything he can to protect me from additional migraines caused by artificial fragrances. Even walking the dog or working in my garden is risky because of dryer sheets or smoke, so he steps up to help.

      There's not enough room to explain everything he does for me to attempt to make my life less painful. (Migraines are just one of my long list of ailments, and my husband helps me with everything in some way or another.) We must keep a regimented lifestyle, carefully planning meals for my special diet. I keep a freezer full of precooked meals, listing them on a white board for the days I'm too sick to cook, and he can select dinner just like going into a restaurant! Saves us a ton of money! Everything is carefully planned in my feeble attempt to make his life easier on him too, all for the days I'm out of commission.

      For some men, it would be too much, but he willing helps me through my painful life without judgment, doubt or blame. In turn, I work hard to stay positive and cheerful so coming home is a joy. I diligently strive to give him a happy home life, keeping a clean house, running our home like I ran my job, paying the bills, cooking meals and baking... doing the very best I can under the circumstances. It may not be the life we originally planned when we married decades ago, but we're both extremely happy! For that, I'm also extremely grateful!

      1. What a great partnership, ! Your story should sadden me because of all you contend with, but reading about your relationship really warms my heart. Thanks so much for sharing. Best of all wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

      2. Oh how I enjoyed reading this! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this part of your journey with us. I could not be happier for you that you have someone so loving and kind by your side. It is simply beautiful.

        I want to add that you attempt is not feeble at all. It takes a team, to make these things and life work like a well oiled machine. In particular when dealing with so many things. You two make a great team.

        How have you been sleeping of late?

        Warmly, Clair ( Community Moderator)

    3. My husband

      1. A wonderful person to be grateful for! I am grateful for my partner - even when he might be on my nerves. I am sure your husband is grateful for you too - and I hope he shows you. Warmly, Tracy (Team Member)

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