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Is it highly important for me to fix my sleep, I am willing to try different things it's urgent

For two main reasons
1. Studying
2, training
I don't feel the need to elaborate on these because it's obvious
I need 8 hours of sleep minimum so it means falling asleep at 11:30 if not earlier
There are three problems that it make it currently not so possible
thoughts and calmness
hydration (peeing)
It's winter so i turn on the AC at night because else it will be too cold even with warm mattress and cloths and i play with the temperature until it gets perfect which might make me dry and pee idk
My just be anxiety or something but i think a lot at night
Sometimes i wake up in the night to pee, I make a shake habitually everyday at around 7-8pm idk if it contributes to it and the supplements that i take in the evening are diluted water and swallowing requires water
I take Valerian and Aloe vera which i think helps with sleep, I don't keep the habit of screen fast 1 hour before bad anymore (should i?) and i take 10mg of melatonin every night which is shouldn't cut immediately if i want to lower it, it needs to be gradual
Feel free to ask questions i will reply but not necessarily immediately to try and fix all of them and hopefully fix these 3 problems and improve my physical and academic performances

  1. Hi . It's good that you are so aware of the need for sleep and the benefits of eight full hours. Can you tell me how much sleep you are getting now and for how long you have struggled with sleep? Have you talked with your doctor about this? We are not medical experts, so keep that in mind, but there are a few things you mentioned that I wanted to address. You mentioned that you take melatonin every night. Have you switched brands recently? Since melatonin is a supplement, it is not regulated by the FDA. Recent studies have shown that the amount of melatonin is supplements can vary dramatically from brand to brand, regardless of what it says on the label. It can even change from batch to batch of the same brand. So it's important to stick with a brand that has been tested and certified by credible third parties. You also mention that you attempt to fall asleep y 11:30, but that your last bathroom trip is between 7 and 8 p.m. Is there any reason you can't use the bathroom just before bed? That might help ensure that your don't wake during the night to pee. Anxiety is the most common cause of insomnia, but it can be difficult to address. Sometimes, simply thinking about anxiety can make people even more anxious. To control my own thoughts at night, I often force mysel to count backwards, usually starting from 300. Focusing on the numbers prevents my mind from wandering, though I admit that I often have to start over because my thoughts break through and take off running. If you are still having trouble, you might want to consider Congintive Behavioral Therapy - Insomnia (CBT-I). It is now the frontline treatment for insomnia and it has fantastic success rates. Here is an article about CBT-I that might interest you: I hope this helps and that you are soon able to get your sleep schedule back on track. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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