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Last two Weeks Have Been Getting Progressively Worse For My Sleep Pattern. I need ideas how to get my circadian rhythm back to where it should be.

I have always been a night owl, but only until the last couple weeks has by sleep cycle been totally out of wack. I could usually be asleep by 1am, and I’d get just enough to start work at 8am (I work from home, so I can roll out of my bed at 7:58 and walk 5 feet and be at my desk. Been doing pretty well sleeping pretty well for a solid few years. But the last two weeks have been completely different. It’s 3:32am as I write this and I am wide awake.

I realize that it’s likely the result of my health challenges, but I’ve not had all that much trouble sleeping with these conditions until now. I have type 2 diabetes, and I’m good at managing it, but my recent A1C crept up to 9.1 from 7.5 at my last check in. I imagine that’s not helping. I typically use melatonin to induce sleep, but it’s not doing a thing right now. I tried valerian root tonight. It’s worked in the past. But not tonight. I have stronger medications that can make my tired, but I think I’ve been relying on them too much over these 2 weeks. They’re not a long term solution.

I’m not a huge caffeine consumer either. I usually have a V8 energy drink that’s like 8oz in the AM. I cut off my caffeine intake at noon. I did have 3 cups of decaf over several hours yesterday afternoon, because I had a craving for the flavor. Didn’t have a problem doing that before. Not sure what as changed.

I really don’t want to get into sleeping pills. I have a supply of benzos that do tend to help me get sleepy, but I don’t want to develop a tolerance for it by using it long term.

I’ve never had this much trouble falling asleep, so feedback would be appreciated. I want to be able to get back to being able to start feeling tired around midnight to 1am. I don’t feel I need to stop being a night owl, but I understand I can’t stay up this late on a regular basis. Thank you!

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