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Watching/listening to YouTube videos of nature and binaural sounds

Does watching/listening to YouTube videos of nature and binaural sounds help with your insomnia? I’ve been having trouble with my insomnia for months. But, the videos on this YouTube channel have been helping. Hopefully it helps others too.

  1. Binaural beats (audio only) are great in two ways... for relaxation (I use them on flights to get over anxiety at takeoff and landing) and for concentration (I used them when I went back to school at age 46 to help me with focus). I like using the Relax Melodies app to create audio patterns that include both sounds and music. I'm so glad people are talking about these options, as I have found them so so helpful! ~Tamara, community advocate

    1. Thanks so much for your suggestion as I have always had trouble sleeping. I am glad that someone else has had success watching or listening to videos like this. The video the I have found to be the best one for me is this one. I hope you like it and it helps. Happy sleeping

      1. ...Thank you for sharing this! I am so glad to hear you have found something that helps you! Have the happiest of new years! April,, Moderator

    2. ...thank you for sharing this with the community! I know there are many of us who depend on sounds like these to drift off. April,, Moderator

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