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No sleep at all

Hello, I’m 38 yrs old.
Suffering from insomnia for well over 20 years, but in the last months with no sleep almost at all, getting worse by the day.
I haven’t slept for a week now.
I feel as if I’m not asleep but not awake too. My head falls over, and my muscles spasm. Whenever I fall asleep for a minute: a sudden muscle cramp immediately wakes me up. I’ve tried all sorts of sleeping pills with no impact at all. Any thoughts what I might have, and what to do?

  1. Hi . I am just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope the tide has turned and that you are getting more sleep. Gentle hugs and best of all wishes for a happy New Year. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you so much.

      1. You are very welcome, . Have you gotten any sleep in these last two days? - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Hi . A week is a long time to go without any sleep at all. Have you reached out to your doctor? That would probably be the best place to start, especially since you are also experiencing muscle spasms. If you reach a point where you feel unsafe or afraid, please go to the ER. It's best to play it safe. They might even be able to help you. I wish I had better answers, but we are not medical experts and given that you have gone so long without sleep, it would probably be unwise for anyone who is not a doctor to recommend treatment. Please check back and let us know how you are doing. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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