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Does anyone have any tips for getting through the night?

I’ve been dealing with insomnia since I was little, on and off, and I find that among the horrible things that it causes, (exhaustion, brain fog, physical and mental weakness, inability to function every day), one of the hardest is actually getting through the night. Wanting to sleep more than anything but your body just not letting you is one of the most torturous feelings in the world, so if anyone had any tips to make it any easier to get through the night, they would be greatly appreciated 😀

P.S: I’m sorry if some of that didn’t make sense, I’m writing at 5:30am with no sleep so brains gone a bit funny

  1. Along with the grounding sheet I recommended. Try meditation. It's a way to shut your busy mind off. I think that could be the root of the problem.

    1. I suggest trying a grounding sheet. I did, and I definitely sleep much deeper with it.

      1. I just sa this reply here too about how long you have been using it. Certainly going to look into one.
        - Clair (Team Member)

      2. I've been using it for month. It's a queen size. If you order one, make sure it gives you the size option. I purchased one that they said, "fits all sizes." It turned out to be a sliver of a sheet.

    2. I understand how difficult insomnia can be, especially when it has been going on for so long. Practice relaxation techniques before bedtime, such as deep breathing or mild stretching. Creating a consistent nighttime routine and making your sleep surroundings comfortable can also help. Remember that you are not alone; seek out to friends, family, or online communities for support. Continue to be patient...

      1. I could not agree with you more. I have learned over the years to get up and do something when I cannot fall asleep, reset my whole routine, shake my bed off, and open the windows for some fresh air. If I have done all the things and I am completely exhausted and cannot sleep. I set myself up in a possible sleep position, usually on a recliner. and I load an audiobook, close my eyes, and listen, I have found this to be the closest thing to resting like sleep that I can get. Sometimes I am lucky and even drift off for some time in between. - Clair ( Team Member)

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