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Heredity and Insomnia

Do you have family members who struggle with insomnia? Do your parents also have it? Your siblings? Is insomnia something you grew up talking about in your family?

  1. I'm also wondering about the inheritance, DNA issues of insomnia? My mama also suffered with it and now that I think about it so did my 3 siblings

    1. My granddaughter has it as bad as I have it. People just don't understand. It runs in waves either no sleep or so much sleep I can't even function.

      1. I am so very sorry. That has to be incredibly difficult for you and your family. I am sending you lots of positive vibes for some restful nights.

        April,, Moderator

    2. Yes my mother had insomnia for prob the last40yrs of her life she lived to 94yrs.
      It made her nights a misery.
      She had many illnesses but remained bright .
      She developed altziemers in her last 5yrs .
      I worry as I am the same as her

      1. I’m sorry your mother suffered. The side effects of insomnia are frightening. Dementia is definitely something I worry about. I wrote a whole article about it!

        I hope you’re able to find some techniques and treatments that help you get some sleep. Every little bit counts 😊

        Simone (Team Member)

      2. ...I am so sorry to hear that you both have suffered with insomnia. I know how you feel--my mother has also struggled for many years. Mine isn't as bad as hers right now, and I am hoping not to follow in her path. I hope you are able to get some rest soon. Hugs, April,, Moderator

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