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Marijuana vs Music?

Hi there! I've argue with my friend. What is better for relax and insomnia, marijuana or music. What are your thoughts?

  1. thx for a feedback

    1. I have to agree on the music. I prefer white noise when given the choice, but music helps me as well. I have never tried marijuana. April,, Moderator

      1. I'm on the same page. Music, exercising are very helpful.

        1. No thoughts? No Feedback? come one...

          1. 😊 I don’t smoke marijuana and it’s not legal where I am so I can’t really do a comparison. I do listen to and love music though! A lot of our community members have found marijuana to be helpful but it is a very personal decision. Which helps you?!

            Simone (Team Member)

          2. Hemp derived CBD is legal and has helped me sleep as well as my husband. Hemp and Marijuana both come from the Cannabis plant but Hemp plants contain far less THC than Marijuana which is why in 2018 Hemp derived CBD and THC became legal. When I take CBD it helps me fully relax, mind and body.

            CBD is a great option especially for those opposed to trying Cannabis products with THC. CBD does not have any intoxicating effects like THC does.

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