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Last Updated:
I don’t know how I still function without sleeping. I tried prescribed Trazodone and melatonin to no avail. I tried breathing exercise, foods to help you sleep, nothing happened. I would like to ask if someone went through this. If yes, please let me know how to cope, I honestly losing hope, frustrated and angry, I would appreciate responses , thanks in advance.
LisaB Member
Last Updated:
Trazadone didn't work for me either. I'm taking Seroquel now and that's saved my life. Talk to your dr
CommunityMember658992 Member
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I did for a really long time I slept 2-3 hours a night then it's was 1 -2 hours 3 sometimes. The I hit 1 hour or less for about a week followed by being 100% awake for 8 days straight. I wasn't hyper or Manic I was chill but my brain just forgot how to sleep. Wasn't tired at all. No racing thoughts , no nervous tapping. I was hospitalized, of course they didn't believe me . Then they watched me just sit there all walking around reading talking to night workers after 2 nights they believed me and gave me Vistrol/Hydroxyzine . I slept 6 hours non stop for the first time in at least 3 years .Then started Meditation. I did something similar to Meditation in sports and training but not actually Meditation. My sleep was still not great after the hospital 4 -5 hours but better. But I got so good a meditation 4 hours sleep along with about a hour meditation split to 2 -3 Sessions a day. Then I was prescribed Gabapention. That really helped .I have nerve damage in a few places arm/ hand and leg. Like reless leg syndrome. The Gabapention helped that the most. I slept good every sense . 8+ hours a night. Recently I'm had it come back due to a very challenging problem I had to face. But Im sure I'll get the regular sleep back once the issue is resolved. I love using Fitbits!!! Get the premium subscription if possible it we'll worth it.
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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That must have been a very difficult time in your life,
Bedtimestoriesforsleep Member
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I am so sorry you are going through this! You got some helpful advice here. Can you think of why and when this started? Did any change, not matter how insignificant it may be, take place around the time your sleep issues started? Often, these things have triggers. Once you identify, they will help in dealing with the problem and finding a solution. If you have any other concurrent issues, such as chronic, anxiety, depression, or something else, you might want to talk with your doctor and see if a therapist could help. Also, try to consult a sleep specialist who can run some examinations, this can be especially helpul if you are not aware of the cause. Another important thing is, you may have to take mutiple approaches at the same time. Quality of sleep and quantity are both important. Have you tried listening to soothing music or bed time stories with nature sounds or piano music in the background? These help you not only relax but also keep your mind off of active thinking. Here is a channel with bedtime stories/ music you might like: Subscribe to it, so it will come in handy. Whatever you try, give it at least a few weeks to have an effect. Please be patient and kind to yourself through this journey! Wishing you peaceful sleep! @Lucydl
justsawdrdonothing Member
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Three weeks. You’re just getting started. Welcome. There’s nothing that could be done for this. The reason why there’s so many advertise solutions is because no one ever gets over with it. It’s just like smoking a weight loss. There’s so many products because nothing works but people keep trying. And the medical profession is not there to help you. They’re there to make money off of you.
LizGreen Community Admin
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