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Roommates giving me a sleep disorder?

I recently started living with three other people in a quad apartment. Two of them are night people and often do activities during my bedtime. During the first two nights everyone was there, they turned on the dishwasher and washing machine (despite me laying out rules not to at night), and couldn't sleep until around 1-2 am (for reference, I go to bed around 11:30 pm). As I enforced the rules, nights are quieter, but I'm currently bothered by even the smallest sounds (closing doors, quiet chatter, putting utensils away). As of now, I've been falling asleep 12:30 - 1 am, and since I need to wake up at 7 am, I haven't gotten much quality sleep. I'm giving myself a few days to adjust, but I'm worried these patterns could continue and disrupt my entire schedule. How should I approach this problem? I'm considering other options (white noise machine or soundproofing my room), and my roommates are already generally quiet at night, but what else could I do?

  1. Hi . I feel for you. I am also unable to sleep in a quiet setting. The slightest sound keeps me on edge. I have found that using a fan in the bedroom helps tremendously. I also have earplugs on my night stand in case my husband's CPAP or the dogs are too loud. When I don't have those options, I count backward from 300, forcing myself to refocuse it I let my mind stray. The attempts to focus and the monotony of it eventually put me to sleep. I hope you get input from others in the community and that you find something that helps. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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