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Do you listen to music or watch TV to sleep?

Do you feel it affects your sleep quality? Every experience of insomnia is different. Post your experiences and tips here, and read what others think.

  1. I tried both, can't fall asleep with the TV on, but music helps me SO much. Makes me fall asleep so much quicker and I don't wake up throughout the night. Theres a particular playlist on Spotify I use everynight now and its so helpful 😀

    1. I am glad you found something that helps. Is there a particular genre of music that works best for you? Thanks for chiming in. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

    2. I love listening to music too, and guided meditations, they seem to keep my very active mind busy and give me something to not focus on, if that makes sense. Do you create the play list on Spotify, or is this one that you wouldn't mind sharing the name of with us.

      I do like you handle, Wishing and easy day and sleepy wished for tonight.
      Warmly, Clair ( Team Member)

  2. Привіт. Якщо я не можу заснути, перед сном вмикаю це:

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