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Could I affect someone else's sleep?


I find that if I try to sleep too early when not tired then I cannot sleep but turn things over in my head, so what I do is listen to podcasts on my tablet on the dimmest setting with the night mode switched on, headphones and I usually play a jigsaw or other game on it. I finally then just listen and turn the screen off until I am falling asleep and then turn it off completely to sleep properly. I am a night owl but I like this time of being in bed and doing this.

One reason I do this is because my other half likes to go to bed as early as 10pm, latest 11:30pm. He sleeps pretty quickly at this point. I try to point the light away from his direction as best as I can, but I can hear from his breathing that he is asleep. I tend to turn the light of the tablet off by 1am or so.
The issue is, that he tends to wake up at 4am or so and then can't go back to sleep until 7am (I am completely asleep at this point but I do snore (another issue for another post), but he decided to blame my tablet use for his middle of the night insomnia and tiredness.
Is this fair?

Thanks for reading this long post.

Wishing you all good sleep health!

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately using the other room at night is not an option. It is just that he alluded today that the light on the tablet must be affecting his sleep quality and this is why he is so tired, although, as mentioned, he is always sleeping well until 4am, well after my light is off (and I always hide the light if he needs to get up to go to the bathroom during that time).
    I just wanted to make sure that me using the light while he was sleeping wasn't then making him wake up a few hours later as that is what he was really blaming me for.

    Saying that, I do actually have sleep apnea and snoring. The apnea usually goes away when I lose weight so I need to do that and also I have been having allergies lately which I think has made my snoring worse. I know that I need to go and have a study done but unfortunately I have really bad OCD so doctor's visits are difficult for me as even going out the house has been very difficult in the past few years but that is another story.

    Thank you again, and I do realise how serious SA can be. 🙁

    1. Hi . I see you are new here. Welcome to the community! If he is asleep when you are using the tablet and you turn it off when you are done so the sounds or light don't bother him, I can't see how it would impact his sleep. Have you ask him to nudge you if it wakes him up? Have you considered using your tablet in the living room instead, and then going to bed when you are tired?
      I tend to have a different schedule from my husband, especially since I insist on staying up until our twin teens are asleep. So, I either read or watch a mindless show until I am tired. I often take melatonin to help me crash if I am too wired. That way, I fall asleep soon after my head hits the pillow without bothering my husband. We also keep a fan in the room for white noise so the little sounds we each make upon going to bed or getting up don't wake each other. A white noise machine can work just as well.
      Other options for your partner are an eye mask (Find one with a fully elastic mask so his head is never resting on an adjustment device.) and/or ear plugs. My husband uses a CPAP, which sometimes distrupts my sleep, so I keep ear plugs on my nightstand. They can take a little getting used to, but they can make a huge difference.
      Is it possible your snoring, not your tablet use, is waking him? You might want to consider having a sleep study done to see whether your breathing disruptions are actually due to sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can have long-term and sometimes fatal health consequences. Here is an article about sleep apnea from one of our sister communities:
      It's really important to take his concerns seriously and not take them personally if you want to resolve this successfully. Otherwise, you might never come up with a long-term solution that leaves you both well-rested and happy.
      I hope this helps and that you can solutions that work for both of you. If you don't mind checking back, I would love to hear how you are doing. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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