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Let's talk success...

What kinds of things have you tried that brought you relief from insomnia? Have you found something you would love to recommend?
A mattress? A meditation? Is there a routine you fell into that finally brought some much-needed and long overdue sleep?

Tell us about it!

  1. This youtube video in the background worked a treat!

    1. Also Bose Sleep buds II work well if you want a non-medication solution. I like the campfire sound. Only negative is they need constantly charged and they are expensive. The earbuds will not fall out when you sleep.

      1. Thank you for sharing this. I have often wondered if earbuds would help at night. It's one of the few things I have yet to try. Thank you for sharing with the community! April,, Moderator

    2. I take Quetiapine and Montelukast and went from getting less than 5 hours of sleep a night to a full 8 hrs sleep. I had insomnia for 30 years. For unknown reasons I would get shortness of breath at night and panic attacks at night to where I would start being afraid to go to sleep. I would wake up in a panic, like I'm not breathing, pacing around and a bit delirious. It usually happened during a raspatory illness that lasted a long time like bronchitis or seasonal allergy times. I also have extreme anxiety and worry excessively. cant shut my mind down. Quetiapine was a life changer. i sleep full 8 hours now, i periodically wake up but fall asleep quick

      1. It's so good to hear that you have found something that works for you. I can only imagine what a relief it's been for you! Thank you for sharing your success story with the community! April,, Moderator

    3. When medication and meditation fail, the only thing I found that worked was listening to sleep stories that divert the brain from its ruts and woes.

      1. I love sleep stories. After my trial period of Calm ran out, I decided to try Insight Timer. It's been one of the best decisions I have made regarding my insomnia. Glad sleep stories are bringing you some relief as well!

        April,, Moderator

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