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Non restorative sleep

I've been struggling with a disorder no one seems to be able to diagnose and fix. I started having insomnia post cancer surgery 2 years ago.
I then moved to a non restorative sleep,medication induced from Ambien to trazodone to temazepam and others. I sleep about 7 to 8 hours a night. No waking. But in the morning I feel immensely fatigued. And that fatigue never goes away. Physical pain, myalgia,flu like symptoms. No energy. Miserable.
And every so often, without a change to sleep hygiene, medication, food, caffeine, I have a good night sleep.
I've seen multiple psychiatrists and sleep specialists. All befuddled.
As if I was the only patient on earth with this debilitating illness.
Anyone out there with a thought?
Much appreciated.

  1. Hi Allison, thanks for reaching out. My oncologist is a surgeon above all (prostate), and while he's one of the best in the country/world, he doesn't have any recommendations for my issue.
    I have seen a Sleep Neurologist at the same hospital in NYC since this first post, who recommended a change of sleep medication that has had some impact. By no means a breakthrough, but not as bad as it was. Maybe it will take more than a few weeks (it's been 3 weeks now) to see additional improvements.
    Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion.

    1. Hi, I'm so sorry that you haven't been able to get any answers. I can only imagine how frustrating it's been. Have you tried talking to your oncologist since this started after your cancer surgery? I hope you're able to find some answers soon! Best, Allison (Team Member)

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