At what point are you left with the ultimate decision?I'm 38, had sleep and mental health issues for 20 years. But insomnia went into overdrive 6 years ago and hasn't let up. I quit my job cos the issue...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesChronicFatigueWork & Employment
How do I pay off sleep debt?Hello All! I have been dealing with a broken CPAP machine for several months and poor sleep hygiene. I am on a new CPAP for the last 45 days and...Reactions0reactionsComments44 repliesFatigueSleep Hygiene
Convinced I'm not getting ANY sleep at all at night and very worried.First, I'd like to say that insomnia is not something new to me. I've dealt with episodes of it on/off through the years. Despite that, I always worry anyways whenever...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsFatigueSleep Hygiene
AdviceHi all I've just got my results from my polysomnography and MSLT. Before this I reduced my dose and came off Pregabalin, Fluoxetine and Zolpidem. I'm currently taking no medication...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosisFatigueSymptoms
Drousy in the afternoon, wide awake at nightI have been getting around 8 hours of sleep consistently for the past 3 years. I am almost never feel sleep deprived, but a weird experience I have almost every...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFatigue
Sleep but awake?I’ve been having the strangest sleep for about five different nights, not consecutive, but very close to one another. They started this year. I go to bed and I fall...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFatigueAwareness
Sublinguals for better sleepAnyone have any experience with using sublingual strips containing CBN and CBD to deal with their sleep issue?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesFatigueMedical MarijuanaOTC Medication
Waking up tired for 2 years 18M.. Moved house 2 years ago. At first there were no curtains so I wasn’t sleeping well and the tiredness began. Then i added some to block out light, but...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesFatigue
Non restorative sleepI've been struggling with a disorder no one seems to be able to diagnose and fix. I started having insomnia post cancer surgery 2 years ago. I then moved to...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesFatigueSymptomsDepression
Anxiety due to work travel and leaving baby triggered insomnia Hi All. I’m new to this community, but have already found the many posts very helpful and comforting. Thank you! I’ve always been a light sleeper and anxious person. I’m...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFatigueSleep HygieneSymptoms