Force myself to sleep on my backI am looking for a way to force myself to sleep on my back. There are alot of articles about health benefits and why I should but sleep training seems...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAwarenessChronicHealthcare Team
Sleep fragmentation Anyone here fix issues of multiple wake ups thru the night? For me initially was every hr. Now i go anywhere from 1hr to 3hr so pretty average about 5...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesChronicCopingAwareness
Diet induced insomnia 9 months ago I embarked on a time restricted diet in order to lower cholesterol. This was successful but over this period sleeping has become a problem. At first mild...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwareness
Not able to sleep well for yearsI am a brain tumor survivor who was misdiagnosed with fibro. I was married to a functional alcoholic as my Father was. I had it removed in 2011. He filed...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesChronicCopingAwareness
Sleep but awake?I’ve been having the strangest sleep for about five different nights, not consecutive, but very close to one another. They started this year. I go to bed and I fall...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFatigueAwareness
Reiki to aid sleepDoes anyone have experience of using reiki for sleep?...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwareness
It feels like i am awake all night. But i am asleepHi im 24 years i just started having insomnia. Its benn 1 and half months now. Everyday i always feel like i was awake the whole night. Its frustrates me...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesCopingAwareness
Will you take our In America survey to share the truth about life with insomnia?While almost everyone experiences a sleepless night at some time in their lives, only 5 to 15 of every 100 people live with chronic insomnia. To better understand the patient...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessResearch & Clinical Trials
Nephrotic SyndromeHi All, Is there a known relationship between nephrotic syndrome / kidney disease + related medications to manage it, and insomnia? I presently have kidney disease and insomnia. Thanks in...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAwareness